8 Of The Best Explore The Play Kits From Lovevery

Lovevery is a toy company that takes a lot of care in compiling natural wooden toys and educational materials into themed boxes. These Explore The Play kits help kids learn new skills to give them the best possible start in life. Here are 8 of the best options available right now for newborns down to 4-year-olds to help them grow.

1) The Looker

This play kit is designed with newborns in mind. There are lots of sensory toys and interactive elements with a focus on high-contrast black-and-white shapes. This makes the toys more engaging as their eyes develop.

2) The Senser

This kit takes a different approach with the color scheme, opting for more pastels and bright colors for kids aged 5-6 months. There are also lots of interactive textured items for sensory play.

3) The Inspector

Next up is a kit that focuses more on motor skills with fun games and moving parts. There is even a game to help kids learn about object permeance. This is perfect for kids aged 7-8 months.

4) The Thinker

The Thinker takes this level of interactive play to another level as kids reach 11-12 months old. The puzzles are a little more complex, but there is still a nice balance between the card book and the plush toy for additional activities.

5) The Adventurer

Things start to get more detailed and intellectual with this kit. The puzzles offer a chance to learn about object recognition with cute bugs and vegetables. There is also a cute cause-and-effect car toy.

6) The Free Spirit

This set for 2-year-olds is split between numeracy skills, shape, and creative play. The set of figures with their camper van and tent will help kids build on social skills while planning for family vacations.

7) The Analyst

This one is a lot of fun for 3-year-olds as they learn more about color theory and measurements. The toys have a scientific edge but the additional boat puzzle adds to the fun. Kids can learn a lot with these tactile pieces.

8) The Planner

Finally, we have a set aimed at 4-year-olds that helps them work on their problem-solving skills and forward planning. There are some complex puzzles and building kits can prove challenging but also a lot of fun.